This information is provided to give potential clients an idea of the capabilities of KMS Construction Ltd.
This list is a summary of some of the more significant projects we have accomplished.
This is not a complete project history.
Supply and installation of 6500 meters of 750 mm diameter Ductile Iron and PVC pipe from Buffalo Pound Lake to the K + S Mine Site.
Excavation and backfill of pump station facility, construction of temporary coffer dam within Buffalo Pound Lake, construction of permanent spur dyke within coffer dam and removal of coffer dam.
Site work – grading and preparation. Piping – excavation and backfill. Tank farm expansion – berm construction and drain piping. Fireline construction. Enlarge existing storm retention pond and piping.
Construction of 4,150 meters of directional drilled force main and open cut gravity sewer within urban area of City.
Installation of 2,500 meters of 750 mm diameter force main, including river and railway crossings from lift station to lagoon.
Supply and Installation of 51 kilometres of water supply pipeline from the City of Saskatoon to the Town of Hanley, including directional drilling, service connections and testing.
Installation of 2,800 meters of storm sewer mains and manholes
Construction of a regional waste water utility project in and around the Town of Dundurn to serve the communities of Dundurn, Shields, Thode and Skyview with a new lagoon, force main and gravity mains and lift stations to convey sewage from each of the towns / Resort Villages to the new lagoon at Dundurn.
Construction of a 4,400 meters of 200 mm diameter PVC sewage mains within the Town of White City, including asphalt replacement.
Supply and installation of 6500 meters of 750 mm diameter Ductile Iron and PVC pipe from Buffalo Pound Lake to the K + S Mine Site.
Installation of 2,700 meters of 150 and 200 mm PVC water mains, 2,200 meters of 200 mm PVC sewer mains, 91 lot services and lift station c/w connections to City mains.
Construction of a two (2) pump concrete wet well pump station, building, stand-by generator and controls.
Construction of a two cell holding pond c/w geomembrane liners, refurbishment of existing primary and secondary cells into clay lined primary cells
Construction of 2,400 meters of 300 mm to 525 mm diameter deep sewer mains c/w manholes and connections to existing lagoon and lift station.
Construction of 2,800 meters of 200 mm water mains, 2,600 meters of 200 mm and 300 mm sewer mains, 2,000 meters of 250 to 525 mm storm sewer and 122 services.
Construction of wet well structure c/w two (2) pump lift station, controls and connections.
Site grading of 165,000 cubic meters, installation of 3,100 meters of 200 mm water main, 2,500 meters of sewer mains, 38 lot services and road base and asphalt.
Construction of wet well structure c/w two (2) pump lift station, controls and connections. 2,300 meters of 300 and 350 mm force main c/w highway and Enbridge crossings.
Installation of 5,650 meters of 150, 200 and 250 mm PVC water mains, directional drill of 265 service connections into existing homes and asphalt of existing streets.
Installation of 1,700 meters of 200 mm PVC sewer main, 1,300 meters of 150 mm service connections and 125 live service connections.
Installation of 6,000 meters of 150, 200 and 300 mm PVC water mains, directional drill of 267 service connections into existing homes and asphalt of existing streets.
Site preparation including stripping, imported embankment, sub-base and base installation for bulk fuel storage site.
Construction of water holding pond, embankment fill to grade expansion pens, retrofit exiting pens for positive drainage and expansion for feed bunks, scale house and feed storage area. Approximately 300,000 cubic meters of earthwork.